MAD MEN Skateboard Deck + T-Shirt

Minimum Bid: $100.00
Minimum Raise: $5.00
Buy Now: $500.00
Value: Priceless
Donor: Cast and Crew of MAD MEN
This Item closes: February 28, 2010 at 8pm EST

Signed by the entire cast and crew of the Emmy and Golden Globe award winning show, this skateboard deck is pure magic for a MAD MEN fan. Additionally, the lucky winner will receive an exclusive MAD MEN t-shirt, made exclusively as a gift for the cast and crew - they donated the last two to this auction!

Proceeds from this item will be split with Hella Epic. Hella Epic was honored as our "True Originals" in October. Hella Epic, founded by three high school students, has donated nearly 200 skateboards to children who would not otherwise be exposed to the sport of skateboarding. They believe that skateboarding gives kids an athletic activity to take part in that helps their health and forges a community with other skaters, preventing them from seeking out a brotherhood on the streets.

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